Create a ReactJS package ======================== In this guide we will cover how to create and use a ReactJS components library using a `Private Repository`. Assumptions ``````````` This guide assumes 1. We're hosting our react component library on `Bitbucket` 2. The library we're wanting to create is `react-ft-components` 3. The project where we'd want to use these components would be `react-ft-rockon` 4. We're also assuming that will primarily be using `yarn` package manager 5. We're assuming you already have `create-react-app` CLI installed Create library `````````````` This section of guide includes how to create a `react-ft-components` library. Steps are as follows: 1. Create application using CLI .. code-block:: sh create-react-app react-ft-components 2. Install dependencies .. code-block:: sh yarn add @babel/cli @babel/core --dev yarn add @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react --dev 3. Create a `.babelrc` file .. code-block:: sh touch .babelrc 4. Get rid of all files in `src` folder .. code-block:: sh cd src && rm * and create `components/index.js` file with following contents .. code-block:: javascript import React, { Component } from 'react'; export default class DummyComponent extends Component { render () { return (
I am a dummy react npm module
) } } 5. Do a sanity check and see if you're able to build `index.js` .. code-block:: sh ./node_modules/.bin/babel src/components --out-file index.js 6. Update `build` and `postinstall` script in `package.json` by adding following line {within `script` block} .. code-block:: json "build": "./node_modules/.bin/babel src --out-file index.js", "postinstall": "./node_modules/.bin/babel src --out-file index.js", 7. Check with `yarn build` and see if everything is working fine 8. In `package.json` rename `dependencies` to `peerDependencies`. This assumes that `react-ft-components` will be used in a project where packages mentioned in `peerDependencies` are already installed. 9. Rename `devDependencies` to `dependencies` 10. Commit the code to `Bitbucket` .. code-block:: sh git init wget "" -O .gitignore git add . git commit -m "first commit" git remote add origin git push -u origin master 11. Once this is done you can also generate tarball using .. code-block:: sh yarn pack Installing created library `````````````````````````` 1. Create a new react app using .. code-block:: sh create-react-app react-ft-rockon 2. Install tarball using .. code-block:: sh cd react-ft-rockon/ yarn add ../react-ft-components/react-ft-components-v0.1.0.tgz Alternatively you can install directly from repo as follows .. code-block:: sh cd react-ft-rockon/ yarn add ssh:// 3. Use the component in `App.js`, firstly import it .. code-block:: sh import DummyComponent from 'react-ft-components'; and then use it in the application .. code-block:: sh 4. Build and start the application .. code-block:: sh yarn start Reference: 1. `Building a React component as an NPM module `_ 1. `Create Node.js module `_ 1. `How to create and publish NPM Packages? `_