Private Equity MIS Application


A Mumbai based Private Equity firm which has a multi-platform Mobile Application with MIS of portfolio of companies.

The applications also had a built in document management system, which synced files periodically containing key agreements and analyst reports.

Key challenges

  1. The application has performance issues specifically with regards to
    1. Rendering of Financial information

    2. Frequent Crashes

    3. Un-reliable file syncing

  2. The backend which supported the application had following issues:
    1. Excel file parsing was not supported

    2. Extensive and tedious manual upload processs

    3. No validation of Data

  3. Flat hierarchy of all documents

  4. UI Consistency issue across Mobile and Web Application



How we solved these problems?

A complete re-write of the application was undertaken following

Recommendation Engine

Software Components Used

  1. Django: Pythonic Web Framework for building Web Applications

  2. Django REST Framework: Building APIs that other applications can use to talk to Registry

  3. Postgres: Database for storing and retrieving information

  4. Apache Solr: Search engine component to allow users search by different parameters

  5. Bootstrap + jQuery: For implementing frontend validations

  6. Celery: Background tasks and periodic tasks

  7. Scikit Learn: For building classification and ranking model

  8. Revive: Adserver that was used to run Banner campaigns on behalf of partner sites

  9. Nagios: Server monitoring and alerting system

Project Management

  1. Entire technology aspect was taken care by our team

  2. Our team followed Agile approach for implementing the project

  3. Our tech team participated in weekly standups

  4. Daily summary reports along with push to staging instances were done

  5. Onboarding of partners by doing technical consulting was also done by our team